The first signs of hip problems such as Osteo or Rheumatoid Arthritis, or wear and tear in the ball and socket joint, may cause symptoms such as stiffness in the hip and groin, tenderness or even limping.
You may suffer from more serious hip pain, where you experience intense pain and swelling, the inability to weight bear or to move your leg or hip. Perhaps you are recovering from injury or surgery.
Whatever the reason you are feeling tightness or pain in your hips, these mini routines will help gently stretch, mobilise and strengthen the muscles of the hips and surrounding muscles.
These routines are also perfect if you have been sitting for long periods of time, or feeling tightness after exercises that use the hip flexors, such as running and cycling. They can be used individually or mix them together to create a longer workout if you wish.
This is the first in the series of 3 mini routines for relieving Hip pain and tightness. We are starting with some gentle exercises aimed at opening up throughout the hip and improving our pelvic stability and glut strength to provide support and protection for our hips.